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10 tips for organizing great online events


Online Virtual events have been increasingly popular in recent months, and we are witnessing a variety of new approaches to creating profitable, exciting, and audience-centered online virtual events. Due to the complications that Covid-19 has presented to the events sector, virtual and hybrid events have become an important component of business, allowing the industry to remain operational in this uncertain time. 

Companies can plan online virtual events in Malaysia or anywhere in the world without regard to geographical constraints thanks to video streaming technologies. Online virtual events can be a stand-alone endeavor or can be used in conjunction with a live event. In any case, if your company accommodates more than a local demographic, event streaming is something you should consider.

If you are an event planner, you're familiar with the adrenaline rush that comes with putting together the perfect event. There is the search for the ideal site, as well as the selection of tables and chairs, the creation of seating charts, the distribution of invitations, and much more. As many individuals now prefer to meet online rather than in person due to Covid-19 restrictions, this means the modern event organizer must upskill themselves in the logistics of online virtual events.

Some companies in Malaysia have found creative ways to hold online virtual events, from Zoom theatre performances to VR Pasar Malam's (Night Markets).

Here are 10 tips for organizing great online events.

 1. Never a dull moment

Most of the time, web events may not feel very interesting. The speaker rarely conveys the idea that he or she is conversing with real individuals. Instead, it appears like they are mostly speaking to the camera and just obliquely acknowledging viewers, as if it were a video that they would upload. When conducting an online event, this is something you want to avoid.

Rather, you want it to feel as personal and interactive as possible. Do not let the fact that you're talking to a monitor or camera take your attention away from the fact that you're talking to hundreds or thousands of people. You will be able to attract every single viewer if you treat it like a live demonstration. Ensure the event is constantly engaging to the audience by adding elements of gamification, questionnaires, or entertaining segments that rejuvenate interest.

2. Provide good technical support

There’s nothing more frustrating than trying to attend an event online without any support. Never assume that your prospects are as well-versed as you with software and systems. Even if they are, it might be difficult to bypass technical issues that are in the way of entering the event. In any case, it’s important that organizers focus on establishing a good support process for their attendees. 

Be responsive to inquiries and questions before, during, and after the event. The larger your online virtual event is, the more support is needed to make sure everything goes smoothly. Let people know how the flow and itinerary works, how to properly access the event and how to get in touch with exhibitors or organizers.

One possible situation that could arise with online virtual events, is that additional support requests could come in at odd hours, especially if your event is constantly open to participants from around the world. In this case, it's worth noting that you and your team need to manage the requests consistently and be on full alert throughout the duration of the event.

3. Ensure accessibility and security

These are two crucial factors to online virtual event success, yet they are overlooked very often by organizers. Accessibility refers to how easy it is to sign-up for your event, enter the event and engage with others during the event. Choose a platform that ensures basic accessibility like a fast and easy sign-up process, and the ability to allow people to connect amongst delegates and visitors or exhibitors.

Secondly, security is a top priority. Malicious behavior is just around the corner when it comes to digital events and systems. Be sure that your platform is not easily penetrable by hackers. Provide your attendees with the ability to reset their password easily and make sure that your connection and hosting is secure.

4. Be prepared with the essential tools

You may overlook this point, but it is critical: online events are a piece of cake once you have completed all your planning and partnered with a reliable online virtual event platform. Constantly remind yourself that preparing an event with live attendance is not all that different. You’ll need the essentials; fairly sophisticated software to host and organize your event without disruption, a fast Internet connection, and the right tools to plan and track your activities.

There are plenty of resources that event organizers can utilize openly. In fact, the market is filled with comprehensive tools that offer more than one advantage in the form of features and perks. 

Event platforms may also provide analytics and data collection features so you can track and oversee performance. Tools that help consolidate all your marketing channels, push notifications and reminders or announcements to participants, and keep lines of open communication or support are also useful for ensuring event success.

5. Choose An Appealing Topic

Sure, you can arrange a virtual or hybrid event about the aesthetics of drying paint, but do not expect a lot of people to show up. You may need to get creative in your approach to the event subject or topic, depending on the type of event and the industry you are targeting. 

Some event subjects will, by definition, be a little drier than others. But that does not rule out the possibility of turning it into something more intriguing. People frequently attend large-scale events and conferences to learn something new. Consider your target audience and what information and materials they could find useful.

6. Choose Date And Time Wisely

One of the greatest advantages that online virtual events have over physical events is the flexibility offered to countless individuals around the world. Anyone from anywhere can attend an event online, and participate in your platform with a stable internet connection. However, this does not negate the importance of carefully considering the date and time of your event. 

It is unlikely that arranging your event early in the week and during typical business hours will work for a target audience that comprises working professionals. While scheduling the event over the weekend is advantageous as individuals desire relaxation. In this case, holding your event on a Thursday or Friday would be a good idea. It can be utilized as a professional development tool and gives guests the feeling of being away for a long weekend.

7. Choose A Reliable Online Virtual Event Platform

The utilization of an online virtual event platform can help organizers in more ways than one, primarily consolidating all your efforts under one powerful system so your event can run as smoothly as possible. If you are hosting a small virtual meeting, a Zoom meeting or Google Hangouts might suffice. 

However, for larger, more sophisticated events, you will need an online event platform that can accommodate your specific requirements. Think about the important aspects that can enhance your event experience. 

Will you be needing an exhibition feature or a way for vendors to host their own independent channels? Would you need a platform with the ability to initiate concurrent running tracks or in-depth impression analytics and CTA insights on which event component is performing best? Are you hosting a private event with secure entry pass management as a top priority?

Consider the crucial requirements and preferences for your event before choosing a platform. Be sure to think everything through first, from the flow of your event process to the monetization structure, and choose a platform based on your conclusions.

8. Promote your Event

The success of an event is contingent on the attendance of a sufficient number of individuals. Take this into consideration when you develop a strategic marketing strategy. To your mailing list, send out virtual invitations. Incorporate the invites into your company's social media platforms as well. The more people see the event, the more likely they would want to go. Get those eyes on you and leave a lasting impression.

Sponsors and advertisers are also incredibly important for a successful event, depending on the size, objective, and requirements of the event. Organizers need to source for matching sponsorships or offer advertising opportunities to interested parties beforehand. This ensures that your event will be a success and achieve sufficient revenue for your business needs.

9. Do Practice Runs

Perform online virtual event rehearsals and run-throughs well in advance of the actual event. If you have keynote speakers, pay attention to their talks as well as their body language and actions. During the event, request that they keep eye contact with attendees. By gazing into the camera, they can accomplish this. This will keep your listeners interested in what you are saying. Rehearsals will help reduce the chances of blunders or mishaps on the big day.

10. Get Feedback From Attendees

Asking individuals who attended after the event how effective your online virtual event was is the greatest method to find out! Sending out a basic survey to participants is a good way to ask questions, keep track of how many people came, and learn what they thought about the content, delivery, and results. Audience feedback can provide you with useful information about how they felt on the day and how you can enhance your next event. Your guests may be asking when your next event will be and if you have any other activities planned. Crowdsourcing is one approach to find out what events guests would like to attend next, as well as to urge them to return to any future events you may have.

There are so many factors involved in the success of an online event, and organizers need to be aware of the major components if they want to stay prepared. Be sure to take into account the aforementioned points and bring them up with your team to make sure you have all your bases covered.


Boom is an online event platform offered to anyone or any business, a stage to showcase and sell their products live to event attendees.

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