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8 types of virtual events you can organize using event platforms


Make no mistake, virtual meetings and online events have become a new standard, largely accentuated by the repercussions of the ongoing pandemic. In-person activities have come to a halt as a result of limits imposed on public meetings due to social distancing norms. It’s no surprise then that urgency necessitates innovation in many corporate, commercial, social and personal aspects of our lives.

With technological improvements, businesses have little choice but to rely on virtual events to stay afloat.

Hosting webinars or communicating with remote team members are just two examples of virtual events. From trade exhibits to job fairs, any physical event can be turned into a visually compelling digital environment.

The number of continuing virtual events has risen dramatically in recent times, since it allows guests to participate afar. As a result, there has been an increase in demand for virtual event platforms.

Face-to-face communication will always be a part of event planning. Virtual events, on the other hand, have somewhat emulated the same physical interactive experiences by providing a wide range of benefits. A sudden growth in the number of virtual events platforms and a sudden increase in the percentage of virtual events says it all. There is no denying that virtual hybrid events are here to stay and represent a big part of the future of the event industry.

Nowadays, online virtual event platforms have emerged as the new arena for hosting any event and easily reaching worldwide audiences. Platforms like Boom strive to provide powerful and comprehensive features that help boost your engagement, conversion and experience. These features range from advanced security measures like entry pass management to prevent malicious activity and unwanted third-party intrusions to analytics for deeper insights on the performance of organized events.

In any case, most events that takes place in a physical location can be virtualized using a virtual event platform. Here are just a few of the major types of virtual events that take place online and are likely here to stay.

Product Launches

COVID has changed the way many brands and businesses execute their product launch events. Where physical showcases were common, the alternative virtual product launch has risen up as a very effective contender. E-commerce is booming right now too, which means that hosting platforms like Boom are well-equipped to serve the many brands that need an array of features to create product launches that convert. 

Virtual launches are more convenient since anyone from anywhere in the world can access the event, they save time and reduce costs as compared to more expensive physical launches, and the growing technology supporting such online events only gets better with more research and developments over time. 

New and creative ways to compel prospects through online means include virtual sampling, where brands use virtual platforms to show as many details of the product as possible whether it's a new line of snacks or baby car seats.

Another crucial benefit of the online product launch lies within the insights and performance analytics features found in virtual hosting platforms like Boom, which allow for CTA tracking, attendance details and overall engagement insights so organizers can see where their launches excelled and where they need to improve.

Virtual Conferences

Virtual conferences enable professionals to network and connect more easily and rapidly by providing video chats and activities. Some businesses are even experimenting with virtual conferencing as a replacement for tradeshows and live events. This might save businesses a lot of money, time, and effort when it comes to hauling products to trade events.

Virtual conferences can be useful in marketing, particularly when introducing new products or forming collaborations. Companies can use technology to discuss ways to collaborate, develop possibilities, and expand their enterprises all without leaving their offices.

Hosting a virtual conference is a highly successful strategy to develop your email list, establish authority, and generate cash while also growing your audience around a topic. Unlike a typical conference, an online conference has the advantage of lower overhead costs while yet providing equivalent value to both the host and the attendees. This means that more people will be able to attend the conference, hear your message, and act on what they learn.

Virtual Exhibitions

Virtual trade exhibitions resemble real trade exhibits in appearance and function, but they take place entirely online. The online venue may even be constructed to resemble a convention centre, replete with a lobby, lounge, and exhibit hall with booths from a variety of companies.

Many of the advantages of virtual trade exhibitions are especially noticeable in the budgets of smaller businesses, who cannot usually afford the costly but vital chore of attending larger, live trade events. Big businesses with a lot of money have a distinct edge since they can afford premium exhibit space, podium presentation time, and prominent advertising on event programs and banners.

When you transfer your trade fair experience to virtual, there is some really positive news. First and foremost, it is far less expensive. The expenditures of exhibiting at a trade show, including labor, travel, entertainment, freebies, and other expenses, can quickly add up. This does not include the costs of exhibiting, sponsoring, and other expenses.

When you switch to a virtual trade exhibition, all of that goes away. Costs are dramatically reduced, and other potential advantages like better management of the performance of your exhibition, flexible timelines and convenient features to allow participants to connect or engage with others are all available for organizers to utilize.

Virtual Meet ups

In line with the social components of personal and work-related meetings, virtual meet ups often take form as an alternative to physical networking. In other words, they are virtual sessions hosted by reliable and powerful platforms for networking purposes. These meet ups are often casual in nature, although there may be certain guidelines and conditions to follow. 

They can be large meet ups as seen hosted by influencers or industry leaders to better understand community members and followers, or small meet ups that comprise groups of like-minded people who want to get to know each other a little better.

Online Workshops

Online learning has shown significant growth over the last decade, as the internet and education combine to provide people with the opportunity to gain new skills. Since the COVID-19 outbreak, online learning has become more centric in people's lives. The pandemic has forced schools, universities, and companies to remote working and this booms the usage of online learning. Even before the pandemic, Research and Markets forecasts the online education market as $350 Billion by 2025, so the numbers might be updated after analyzing the growth impacts of COVID-19 on the online learning market. 

Online learning and training have become an essential part of every online business. Creating and selling online courses can be quite profitable, with many professionals achieving 6- and 7-figure incomes. 

The days of simply ‘promising' your prospects that you may be worth investing in are long gone; now you must PROVE it. And there's no better way to showcase your knowledge than by selling an online course.

You are demonstrating that you know what you're talking about, that you're good at what you do, or that you are an expert in your industry by teaching your topic.

An online course is now as important as a website and a business card in the toolkit of any entrepreneur, expert, or thought leader.

Career Fairs

In a virtual context, a virtual career fair allows you to meet employers or discuss options. The digitization of the recruitment process has resulted in these fairs as well. The career fair is conducted entirely online, using video conferences and webcasts. You'll be able to talk with employers from a variety of industries and discuss job openings here. Some people are also invited for an interview right away and are given job offers on the spot.

Virtual career fairs are held to establish relationships and are usually hosted by a university, firm, or organization. Virtual career fairs are all about introductions, much like a first job interview.

Many career fairs now use an app or a web-based platform to disseminate information about attending firms, allowing you to learn more about their businesses and hiring needs before you visit the event. Depending on which corporate representative is present at a certain fair, they may or may not be able to speak about all career or internship opportunities available at that company.

You may need to wait in line to obtain entrance to the career fair room/space, depending on when you arrive at the event and how many students are already present.


There's no denying that webinars have become a necessary component of today's business landscape. For a long time, you've probably heard a lot about webinar marketing and communications, and you've probably attended a few yourself. Maybe you've even considered hosting your own webinar.

Webinars are events that take place entirely online. This allows you to communicate with a big and targeted audience. Individuals of the target group can join in real time from anywhere using a PC, Mac, tablet, or smartphone. They can also watch the recorded broadcast afterwards if they are unable to attend the webinar live.

The name webinar is derived from the words "web," which refers to a collection of internet networks, and "seminar," which refers to a discussion or conference. A webinar is an online seminar, online meeting, or virtual event with the purpose of either educating or selling.

You can host a variety of webinars, including employee training, online classes, and user onboarding webinars, to name a few.

Using various webinar tools as well as webinar presentations, hosts either market items or seek to educate and solve students' or customers' concerns during webinars. The majority of webinars are free, however there are some that are not. Check out our webinar statistics page for more information.

As the communication's "sender," you're probably eager to extend the life of your message. Webinars accomplish this since they may be seen again and again after the live broadcast. This helps you to broaden your message's reach and impact. In addition, well-designed webinars are optimized for search engines (SEO) to increase their Google rating. As a result, a webinar is a one-time investment with a very long return on investment.

Ask Me Anything

Similar to virtual meet ups, these types of events are often organized or hosted by leaders or influencers of a particular field. The session’s objective essentially works like a live stream and a Q&A session combined, where participants can ask the host whatever they want. In some cases, there are topics to be focused on within the realm of discussion, but most of the time questions are not restricted to any given topic as to encourage more engagement.

Online event platforms have the potential to help countless brands, businesses and individuals resume their routines – helping them to connect with other people and prospects. This is also an unmistakably crucial part of recovering from the relentless pandemic and its many affects on various industries.


Boom is an online event platform offered to anyone or any business, a stage to showcase and sell their products live to event attendees.

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